ДОСТУПНО Python for Algorithmic Trading (video course) [The Python Quants]

Тема в разделе "Python", создана пользователем Moder, 8 ноя 2021.

  1. Moder

    Moder Команда форума PROверенный

    11 июн 2020
    100 руб.
    Автор: The Python Quants
    Название: Python for Algorithmic Trading (video course)
    This class covers topics of importance for automated, algorithmic trading with Python — build your own hedge fund with Python or become a star trader within a big institution one day
    This training is about tools and techniques for algorithmic, automated trading and starts by introducing Python, NumPy & pandas

    The Python Quants.png
    После проведения автором онлайн тренинга в феврале-марте 2017 года автор продает его запись (recorded training sessions) со скидкой и с учетом уже ранее купленных курсов (“Finance with Python” и “Python for Algorithmic Trading”). Для тех, кто уже брал участие в первых двух его курсах

    Вы не можете просматривать внешние ссылки, что-бы просмотреть зарегистрируйтесь или авторизуйтесь на форуме !


    Вы не можете просматривать внешние ссылки, что-бы просмотреть зарегистрируйтесь или авторизуйтесь на форуме !

    , особой ценностью будут видеозаписи данного онлайн тренинга - более 30 часов (11 записей по 3 часа каждый).​
    Yves Hilpisch has 10 years of experience with Python, particularly in the finance space.
    He founded The Python Quants GmbH - an independent, privately-owned analytics software provider and financial engineering boutique. The company provides Python-based financial and derivatives analytics software as well as consulting, development and training services related to Python, Open Source and Finance.
    We are proud to be named Top 10 Banking Analytics Solution Provider of 2017 by Banking CIO Outlook.
    He lectures on Mathematical Finance at Saarland University in Germany and is a regular speaker at Python and Finance conferences.

    Автор данного курса также является автором 3 книг по данной теме (Python Books about Quantitative and Computational Finance):
    • Python for Finance. Analyze Big Financial Data
    • Derivatives Analytics with Python. Data Analysis, Models, Simulation, Calibration and Hedging
    • Listed Volatility and Variance Derivatives. A Python-based Guide

    This algorithmic trading class covers the following topics:
    • Python, NumPy & pandas
    • setting up the Python infrastructure
    • different types of trading strategies
    • vectorized backtesting of trading strategies
    • event-based backtesting of trading strategies
    • streaming data & socket programming
    • Oanda trading platform
    • Interactive Brokers trading platform
    • Gemini trading platform
    • automated, algorithmic trading programs
    • other specialized topics

    1. Intro to Python for Algorithmic Trading
    This module is a general introduction to topics relevant in Python for Algorithmic Trading. It covers among others:
    - open source, data, APIs, infrastructure & communities
    - information and knowledge everywhere
    - historical data with Eikon
    - streaming data and visualization
    - Quant Platform — interactive financial analytics in the browser
    - online broker platforms
    - algorithmic trading with less than 100 lines of code
    - dataism & algorithms

    2. Python Programming from Scratch
    This module introduces to basic Python programming techniques, making use of Jupyter Notebook.
    This module gives an overview of Jupyter Notebook usage and fundamental concepts in Python programming.
    - Jupyter Notebook, media and magic commands
    - testing prime characteristic of an integer
    - Performance topics (algorithms, dynamic compiling)
    - modelling data by Python data types and structures
    - Python control structures (for loop, if-elif-else, etc.)
    - Python idioms (eg list, dict, set comprehensions)
    - selected Python best practices (e.g. PEP 8)

    3. Numerical Computing with NumPy
    This module introduces to NumPy, an important and popular Python package for numerical computations. Among others, it covers:
    - arrays with Python and the array class
    - regular arrays
    - data selection
    - reshaping & resizing
    - vectorized operations
    - memory layout
    - structured arrays
    - linear algebra
    - OLS regression
    - Monte Carlo simulation
    - performance topics

    4. Data Analysis with pandas
    This module is about pandas, a powerful data analysis package. It covers, among others:
    - DataFrame and Series classes
    - time series handling (end-of-day, HF data)
    - vectorized operations
    - plotting with pandas
    - grouping
    - appending, merging, joining
    - input-output operations

    5. Setting up the Python Infrastructure
    This module is about setting up an appropriate Python infrastructure. Topics covered are:
    - conda for package and environment management
    - Docker containers
    - cloud instance with DigitalOcean

    6. Working with Financial Data
    This module is about working with financial data and APIs. With pandas as the main tool of choice, topics covered are:
    - reading data from different sources
    - writing wrappers around web-based APIs
    - pro data from TR Eikon terminal/API
    - storing financial data efficiently

    7. Mastering Vectorized Backtesting
    This module applies vectorization with pandas to backtest algorithmic trading strategies. The module covers, among others:
    - vectorization
    - simple moving average (SMA) based strategies
    - momentum-based strategies
    - mean reversion-based strategies
    - classes for a systematic backtesting

    8. Predicting Market Movements
    Machine and deep learning are used in this module to predict market movements. It covers, among others:
    - ordinary least-squares regression
    - scikit-learn API
    - logistic regression
    - tensorflow for deep learning

    9. Event-based Backtesting
    Event-based backtesting allows a more realistic modelling and testing of trading strategies. The module covers, among others:
    - object oriented paradigms
    - backtesting base class
    - long only strategies
    - long short strategies
    - proportional and fixed transactions costs

    10. Working with Real-Time Data
    Socket programming allows the easy digesting of real-time data. This module covers, among others:
    - tick data server with ZeroMQ
    - tick data client with ZeroMQ
    - streaming plots with plotly
    - real-time trend plot with plotly
    - online trading algorithm (momentum)

    11. CFD Trading with Oanda
    The module mainly covers the Oanda API, historical data, streaming data and order placement.
    - fxTrade Practice application
    - Oanda API
    - tradable instruments
    - historical data and backtesting
    - streaming data
    - order placement
    - automated trading

    12. Stock Trading with Interactive Brokers
    This module covers tpqib, a Python wrapper class for Interactive Brokers. Among others, it discusses:
    - tpqib Python class
    - connection objects
    - contracts
    - orders
    - historical data
    - streaming data
    - real-time trading
    - account data

    13. Cryptocurrency Trading with Gemini
    Gemini.com allows the algorithmic trading of cryptocurrencies in a modern and efficient way. Topics covered are:
    - pygem Python class
    - historical data
    - real-time trading
    - streaming data
    - account information

    14. Automating Strategy Execution
    This module is about capital and risk management as well as deployment. It covers, among others:
    - Kelly criterion
    - risk management
    - deployment & execution
    - real-time monitoring
    Some files in the attached package are new compared to the course material (from «Python for Algorithmic Trading» course) (eg Oanda v20 versions).


    Цена курса 1700 руб


    ОПЛАТИТЬ >>>>>>>>

  2. sale

    sale PROверенный

    15 окт 2021
    0 руб.
    Оплата яд на яд в 15-10
  3. Moder

    Moder Команда форума PROверенный

    11 июн 2020
    100 руб.